неділя, 26 березня 2017 р.

Learning in Internet
How to enhance your vocabulary using Internet!

Hey, my dear someone!
   It is quite new for me to write to my ancestor who lived 20 years ago and imagined things in different way then they are now. Besides, I want to tell you about various tools, which we use while learning English language to achieve goals
, which we set for ourselves. By using such tools you'll find out, that you can study with remarkable ease and it won't take a lot of time to accomplish different tasks.
     Enhancing your vocabulary is important stage in learning language, so in this letter I provide you with complex of tools, which are efficient methodsof learning new words:

1. Just the Word
This tool helps you to find and choose a great variety of collocations and constructions for active usage and on different topics. You Just type The Word and make a choise.

2. Quizlet
Another one online tool which helps to concentrate your mind on interactive learning. You can create different quizlets and by playing them you will brush up on your active vocabulary. With this one you'll definitely won't be out of practice.

This is one of my favourite tools. Using Memrise you can learn not only English, but many other languages too. If you want to become a successful learner you should give it a try and make the most of this tool. Memrise is a good alternarive for boring exercises, so don't miss chanse to make improvement in mastering English vocabulary.

4.Word Machine
It is a typing game which will make you recall words which you thought you never know. This is the tricky one, because as you start the game words will be slipping your mind and you won't be able to recollect even a simple word and this makes this game even more intresting!

This type of a game gives you a chance to master yourself in knowing definitions. A nice opportunity to reck your brains and with every new try you will make progress, that's for sure!

     There are a lot of other useful websites and games, however it is all up to come in your time, my dear friend. Keep safe and remember "Practice makes perfect!"

четвер, 16 березня 2017 р.

Dictionary Wisdom
How to make friends with your dictionary!

      Learning English language and especially English words is not as easy as that. However, an efficient language learners use their active vocabulary with the remarkable ease, but if you are an amateur you should be aware of how tricky the words in English can be. For instance, one word can have at least three more meanings besides the main one, so you have to be quite accurate using the word with appropriate meaning in the right context.

      Still we are lucky enough, because we have dictionaries. Make the most of working with the dictionary, be enthusiastic while learning and you will success in building your vocabulary. Of course, you will strive to do your best, but it's never redundant to use some tips in order to avoid making common mistakes, so here are some:

  1. SHOW YOUR MANNERS! Use your dictionary in the way it has to be used - for learning! He hasn't done anything bad to you, so respect him as he tries to help you to become smarter.
  2. GUESS, GUESS, BUT DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES. There is no doubt, that you are a one smart cookie and may know many words, but sometimes it is better to look up for a word in your paper friend.
  3. GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR DICTIONARY.  Learn how to use your dictionary, find out its secrets and you will make the most of using it.
  4. IT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT WORDS. Many dictionaries have some interesting grammar and lexical tips and techniques, which could be an alternative to the commonly used one's. So instead of being ordinary, be different with the assistance of your dict.
  5. MAKE NEW FRIENDS! It is important to have a few dictionaries to select the most suitable word for you. It is essential, because not every dictionary can provide a sufficient definiton for a word you a searching for.
      English is one of the richest languages and it is qiute challenging to know all the words, so sometimes it happens that you just can't remember the word as it should be written or pronounced.  As for me such word is "exciting".

Exciting /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ/ making you feel excited.

Also, there are some words I often confuse, for instance historic and historical;
1.Historic - something important to the course of history
2.Historical - something related to history.
Examples:1. Chester visited the beach in Kitty Hawk where the Wright brothers made their historic first flight.
2. The Battle of Trafalgar is one of the most famous historical event in XIX century.

The fact is that English language daily inriches with 14 new words. The brand new one's are:
Brain fade(n) - it is a temporary inability to concentrate or think clearly.
BAE - it is an acronym for "Before Anyone Else" and refers to a person's boy- or girlfriend.
Air punch(n) - an act of hitting upwards with your fist to show that you are happy because you have done something successfully.